Friday, October 15, 2010

Web Picks Report

This article is under children called Kids DK, it describes a site that kids and parents can go to, revealing safe games that don’t expose violence or bad things to children.  It involves games and practice drawing productive things that are fun.  I found mostly interesting that it was a site for kids rather than for anyone, which is fine reason being that kids should be exposed to good rather than bad so they grow up the right way.  And I found that for a future project I can also make a reading on a site that would be acceptable for any kid to read.  And even making an image that can be posted on there that match the subject.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Logo History

This logo started off as representing fighting off bacteria, and the “goddess” in the back depicts healthy and well being which is something everyone hopes and wants to have

There’s a boy staring at the star which represents hope and peace, and the boy’s suppose to be youthful and symbolize innocents along as a representation of natural and purity.

Feodora is the name of a sister of the last German empress, and the company decided to use her signature, selling chocalates and other pralines.  Reason for this is she was so impressed with the company wanting to use her name, she let them do it, all leading to the left hand corner where they’re family coats of arms from the founding family of the business.

Jeep represents the off – road and capability for military and civilian vehicles, allowing anyone to buy it.  And on the car, the word jeep appears on it, but never the symbol, and they don’t really know where the name really came from.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Photo Blog Entry

Sisters seem alike and with their arms crossed, this makes them seem united and together, and there is no stronger bond than a family's.

There's a mom and her son, while the son hides behind his mom, it symbolizes that a kid could come to his or her mother when a problem occurs and know that she will defend him and make it all better.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Best Buy and the Apple store are two different kinds of company and store, but they sell merely the same thing, which is technology.  Like cell phones, computers, laptops, etc. and either way they attract people for all the same reason.  While the Apple stores have employees and people standing there to help whenever, Best Buy is sort of like a Wal-Mart, if you need help you have to seek it out and ask your question.  The strategy to sell for the Apple store is while they have all kinds of technology they put it on display, on tables.  And it looks really plain with certain things displayed like the newest phones or items to sell.  While in Best Buy it’s this huge store that present many things like the newest and the oldest technology.  Best Buy has aisles and aisles of electronics and even T.V’s and the Apple store doesn’t have those things, they seem to show only what they want the customer to buy.  And Best Buy gives the impression of wanting their customers to buy what they please at the price the store places.  On their websites they display similar product but in Best Buy they have a much more broad variety of things to buy.  And they depict a product with different colors and in different ways.  On one of the websites they also used a celebrity to try and sell a product much faster, but overall on the website of Best Buy they used people using these things to make them seem enjoyable.  One had more people on them than the other.  The Apple website at the bottom have the recycling sign making it seem like their store is much healthier in a way to shop there just for that little symbol that they used.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pre Test

Internet - Pre Test Web Design Open

Sabrina Gutierrez

1.     What does HTML stand for?
Hyper Text Markup Language
2.    What does CSS stand for?
Cascading Style Sheet
3.    What is a Blog and what is the word Blog short for?
Usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video
4.    List three websites that will host a blog for free.
5.    What does HTTP stand for?
HyperText Transfer Protocol
6.    What does WYSIWYG stand for and what does it mean?
What you see is what you get.  It means that what appears right in front of you, is what it is, no more or no less.
7.    What does URL stand for?
Universal Resource Locator
8.     When (roughly) did the internet start?
The year 1957
9.     What are the three of the most – visited websites on the internet?,,