Best Buy and the Apple store are two different kinds of company and store, but they sell merely the same thing, which is technology. Like cell phones, computers, laptops, etc. and either way they attract people for all the same reason. While the Apple stores have employees and people standing there to help whenever, Best Buy is sort of like a Wal-Mart, if you need help you have to seek it out and ask your question. The strategy to sell for the Apple store is while they have all kinds of technology they put it on display, on tables. And it looks really plain with certain things displayed like the newest phones or items to sell. While in Best Buy it’s this huge store that present many things like the newest and the oldest technology. Best Buy has aisles and aisles of electronics and even T.V’s and the Apple store doesn’t have those things, they seem to show only what they want the customer to buy. And Best Buy gives the impression of wanting their customers to buy what they please at the price the store places. On their websites they display similar product but in Best Buy they have a much more broad variety of things to buy. And they depict a product with different colors and in different ways. On one of the websites they also used a celebrity to try and sell a product much faster, but overall on the website of Best Buy they used people using these things to make them seem enjoyable. One had more people on them than the other. The Apple website at the bottom have the recycling sign making it seem like their store is much healthier in a way to shop there just for that little symbol that they used.
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